Files @ c1686e15f8d1
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Location: Shamira/src/

tests for finite field arithmetic
import os
import re
import base64

import gf256

def _shareByte(secretB,k,n):
	assert n<255
	coefs=[int(secretB)]+[int(b) for b in os.urandom(k-1)]
	points=[gf256.evaluate(coefs,i) for i in range(1,n+1)]
	return points

def generateRaw(secret,k,n):
	"""Splits secret into shares.

	:param secret: (bytes)
	:param k: number of shares necessary for secret recovery. 1 <= k <= n
	:param n: (int) number of shares generated. 1 <= n < 255
	:return: [(i, (bytes) share), ...]"""
	shares=[_shareByte(b,k,n) for b in secret]
	return [(i+1, bytes([s[i] for s in shares])) for i in range(n)]

def reconstructRaw(*shares):
	"""Tries to recover the secret from its shares.

	:param shares: ((i, (bytes) share), ...)
	:return: (bytes) reconstructed secret. Too few shares returns garbage."""
	for i in range(secretLen):
		bs=[(x,s[i]) for (x,s) in shares]
	return bytes(res)

def generate(secret,k,n,encoding="b32"):
	"""Wraps generateRaw().

	:param secret: (str or bytes)
	:param k: number of shares necessary for secret recovery
	:param n: number of shares generated
	:param encoding: {hex, b32, b64} desired output encoding. Hexadecimal, Base32 or Base64.
	:return: [(str) share, ...]"""
	if isinstance(secret,str):
	return [encode(s,encoding) for s in shares]

def reconstruct(*shares,encoding="",raw=False):
	"""Wraps reconstructRaw.

	:param shares: ((str) share, ...)
	:param encoding: {hex, b32, b64, ""} encoding of share strings. If not provided or empty, the function tries to guess it.
	:param raw: (bool) whether to return bytes (True) or str (False)
	:return: (str or bytes) reconstructed secret. Too few shares returns garbage."""
	if not encoding:

	bs=reconstructRaw(*(decode(s,encoding) for s in shares))
	return bs if raw else bs.decode(encoding="utf-8")

def encode(share,encoding="b32"):
	if encoding=="hex": f=base64.b16encode
	elif encoding=="b32": f=base64.b32encode
	else: f=base64.b64encode
	return "{0}.{1}".format(i,f(bs).decode("utf-8"))

def decode(share,encoding="b32"):
	if not shareStr:
		raise ValueError("bad share format")
	if encoding=="hex": f=base64.b16decode
	elif encoding=="b32": f=base64.b32decode
	else: f=base64.b64decode
	return (i,shareBytes)

def detectEncoding(shares):
		(re.compile(r"\d+\.[0-9A-F]+=*"), "hex"),
		(re.compile(r"\d+\.[A-Z2-7]+=*"), "b32"),
		(re.compile(r"\d+\.[A-Za-z0-9+/]+=*"), "b64")
	for (regexp, res) in classes:
		if all(regexp.fullmatch(share) for share in shares):
			return res
	raise ValueError("no expected encoding detected")

if __name__=="__main__":
	import cli