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Laman - 5 years ago 2019-05-29 11:37:14

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# Shamira #

Implements Shamir's secret sharing algorithm. Splits a string or a byte sequence byte-per-byte into n<255 shares, with any k of them sufficient for reconstruction of the original input.

Outputs the shares as hexadecimal, Base32 or Base64 encoded strings.

Can be used on its own from the command line by invoking or as a library by importing
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import os
import re
import base64
import binascii

import gf256


class SException(Exception): pass
class InvalidParams(SException): pass
class DetectionException(SException): pass
class DecodingException(SException): pass
class MalformedShare(SException): pass


def _shareByte(secretB,k,n):
	if not k<=n<255:
		raise InvalidParams("Failed k<=n<255, k={0}, n={1}".format(k,n))
	# we might be concerned with zero coefficients degenerating our polynomial, but there's no reason - we still need k shares to determine it is the case
	coefs=[int(secretB)]+[int(b) for b in os.urandom(k-1)]
	points=[gf256.evaluate(coefs,i) for i in range(1,n+1)]
	return points


def generateRaw(secret,k,n):
	"""Splits secret into shares.

	:param secret: (bytes)
	:param k: number of shares necessary for secret recovery. 1 <= k <= n
	:param n: (int) number of shares generated. 1 <= n < 255
	:return: [(i, (bytes) share), ...]"""
	shares=[_shareByte(b,k,n) for b in secret]
	return [(i+1, bytes([s[i] for s in shares])) for i in range(n)]


def reconstructRaw(*shares):
	"""Tries to recover the secret from its shares.

	:param shares: ((i, (bytes) share), ...)
	:return: (bytes) reconstructed secret. Too few shares returns garbage."""
	for i in range(secretLen):
		points=[(x,s[i]) for (x,s) in shares]
	return bytes(res)


def generate(secret,k,n,encoding="b32"):
	"""Wraps generateRaw().

	:param secret: (str or bytes)
	:param k: number of shares necessary for secret recovery
	:param n: number of shares generated
	:param encoding: {hex, b32, b64} desired output encoding. Hexadecimal, Base32 or Base64.
	:return: [(str) share, ...]"""
	if isinstance(secret,str):
	return [encode(s,encoding) for s in shares]


def reconstruct(*shares,encoding="",raw=False):
	"""Wraps reconstructRaw.

	:param shares: ((str) share, ...)
	:param encoding: {hex, b32, b64, ""} encoding of share strings. If not provided or empty, the function tries to guess it.
	:param raw: (bool) whether to return bytes (True) or str (False)
	:return: (str or bytes) reconstructed secret. Too few shares returns garbage."""
	if not encoding:

	bs=reconstructRaw(*(decode(s,encoding) for s in shares))
		return bs if raw else bs.decode(encoding="utf-8")
	except UnicodeDecodeError:
		raise DecodingException('Failed to decode bytes to utf-8. Either you supplied invalid shares, or you missed the "raw" flag. Offending value: {0}'.format(bs))


def encode(share,encoding="b32"):
	if encoding=="hex": f=base64.b16encode
	elif encoding=="b32": f=base64.b32encode
	else: f=base64.b64encode
	return "{0}.{1}".format(i,f(bs).decode("utf-8"))


def decode(share,encoding="b32"):
		if not 1<=i<=255:
			raise MalformedShare("Malformed share: Failed 1<=k<=255, k={0}".format(i))
		if encoding=="hex": f=base64.b16decode
		elif encoding=="b32": f=base64.b32decode
		else: f=base64.b64decode
		return (i,shareBytes)
	except (ValueError,binascii.Error):
		raise MalformedShare('Malformed share: share="{0}", encoding="{1}"'.format(share,encoding))


def detectEncoding(shares):
		(re.compile(r"\d+\.([0-9A-F]{2})+"), "hex"),
		(re.compile(r"\d+\.([A-Z2-7]{8})*([A-Z2-7]{8}|[A-Z2-7]{2}={6}|[A-Z2-7]{4}={4}|[A-Z2-7]{5}={3}|[A-Z2-7]{7}={1})"), "b32"),
		(re.compile(r"\d+\.([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4}|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}={2}|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}={1})"), "b64")
	for (regexp, res) in classes:
		if all(regexp.fullmatch(share) for share in shares):
			return res
	raise DetectionException("No expected encoding detected")


if __name__=="__main__":
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