Changeset - 0c78bfbee218
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Laman - 3 years ago 2022-03-03 22:36:36

compatibility with python<3.9
3 files changed with 11 insertions and 2 deletions:
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import math
import cmath
import itertools
from functools import cache

from .util import cache
from .gf256 import gfmul, gfpow

# divisors of 255 and their factors in natural numbers
DIVISORS = [3, 5, 15, 17, 51, 85, 255]
FACTORS = {3: [3], 5: [5], 15: [3, 5], 17: [17], 51: [3, 17], 85: [5, 17], 255: [3, 5, 17]}
# values of n-th square roots in GF256
SQUARE_ROOTS = {3: 189, 5: 12, 15: 225, 17: 53, 51: 51, 85: 15, 255: 3}


def ceil_size(n):
	assert n <= DIVISORS[-1]
	for (i, ni) in enumerate(DIVISORS):
		if ni >= n:

	return ni


def precompute_x(n):
	"""Return a geometric sequence [1, w, w**2, ..., w**(n-1)], where w**n==1.
	This can be done only for certain values of n."""
	assert n in SQUARE_ROOTS, n
	w = SQUARE_ROOTS[n]  # primitive N-th square root of 1
	return list(itertools.accumulate([1]+[w]*(n-1), gfmul))


def complex_dft(p):
	"""Quadratic formula from the definition. The basic case in complex numbers."""
	N = len(p)
	w = cmath.exp(-2*math.pi*1j/N)  # primitive N-th square root of 1
	y = [0]*N
	for k in range(N):
		xk = w**k
		for n in range(N):
			y[k] += p[n] * xk**n
	return y


def dft(p):
	"""Quadratic formula from the definition. In GF256."""
	N = len(p)
	x = precompute_x(N)
	y = [0]*N
	for k in range(N):
		for n in range(N):
			y[k] ^= gfmul(p[n], gfpow(x[k], n))
	return y
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"""Arithmetic operations on Galois Field 2**8. See"""

from functools import reduce, cache
from functools import reduce
import operator

from .util import cache


def _gfmul(a, b):
	"""Basic multiplication. Russian peasant algorithm."""
	res = 0
	while a and b:
		if b&1: res ^= a
		if a&0x80: a = 0xff&(a<<1)^0x1b
		else: a <<= 1
		b >>= 1
	return res


g = 3  # generator
E = [None]*256  # exponentials
L = [None]*256  # logarithms
acc = 1
for i in range(256):
	E[i] = acc
	L[acc] = i
	acc = _gfmul(acc, g)
L[1] = 0
INV = [E[255-L[i]] if i!=0 else None for i in range(256)]  # multiplicative inverse


def gfmul(a, b):
	"""Fast multiplication. Basic multiplication is expensive. a*b==g**(log(a)+log(b))"""
	assert 0<=a<=255, 0<=b<=255
	if a==0 or b==0: return 0
	t = L[a]+L[b]
	if t>255: t -= 255
	return E[t]


def gfpow(x, k):
	"""Compute x**k."""
	i = 1
	res = 1
	while i <= k:
		if k&i:
			res = gfmul(res, x)
		x = gfmul(x, x)
		i <<= 1

	return res


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new file 100644
	from functools import cache
except ImportError:  # Python<3.9
	from functools import lru_cache

	def cache(f):
		return lru_cache(maxsize=None)(f)
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